Introducing Code Talker™
Our convenient portable device allows users to converse freely without fear of unwanted third parties listening in, which happens more frequently than people realize. Third parties will only be able to hear unrecognizable sounds.
Weighs less than 1oz, runs for hours on rechargeable battery.
How it works.
Plug wired headset into Code Talker.
Connect Code Talker as Bluetooth headset to phone or computer.
Make a call as usual. Parties can communicate with complete confidence.
Works over any existing voice transport - if you can talk, you can use Code Talker;
Connects as regular Bluetooth headset to cellphone, laptop, tablet, desktop;
Works with phone calls and all VoIP apps - Skype™, Viber™, Telegram™, Signal™, Zoom™, WhatsApp™, softphones, Google Voice™ and more;
The sealed device handles all security: the external equipment is not involved in the privacy provisioning, nor aware of it. It treats Code Talker as a regular headset.